Tuesday 5 July 2011

Fulfillment for MLC1013 subject

Salam and good day to any of you who visit this blog, Enjoy!!

Names Roshad, or call me Yusuf
me ID is 1051107309 wew.. old batch :|

First son of 3 siblings
Total is 6 of Us but one of my bro went out 
for sport so its only 3 kids in this photo.. :)

& yeah I am a married man :D
                                       Tadaaa.. Me & wife
Newlyweds, no kids... yet (I hope soon I have one of them, two, or more.. :D:D)

yeap, I think this is my short and brief intro from me, the rest u guys can see on my facebook links provided. Thanks for visiting, have a good day. SALAM

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