Thursday, 1 September 2011

Project: Creative Multimedia - Mind Map

At first we have no Idea what are we going to make, when the lecturer give some explanation it seems easy. But again when we try to think, we get stuck. First we create a logical mind map for Creative Multimedia so that we can find what we looking for and what we are trying to achieve..

And then, we proceed to get some focus point, and we decide to take Non-Linear Multimedia, Non-linear multimedia offers user interactivity to control progress as used with a computer game or used in self-paced computer based training. Hypermedia is an example of non-linear content.

And after we consulted to the lecturer, our mind map is not focused enough since non linear has a lot of kind and branch, so we decide to take Interactivity part, and we focused on Avatar Customization.

And then we try to make an Essay from here, brainstorming and look for the right concept for our final.

What is avatar?
Avatar its second life of body which they have it in their dream, someone or something else completely different who represent them self, in another way  it’s  a graphic representation of user in virtual world

Why the avatar customizations exist?
In a small study of 30 children ages 10 to 12, researchers found evidence to support their hypothesis that avatar customization (as opposed to being assigned an avatar, or choosing from a stock set of avatars) can affect both subjective feelings of presence and physiological indicators of emotions.
Pervading us with an array of highs and lows, ranging from anger and sadness, to love, joy, and contentment, emotions vividly affect our daily lives. So, unequivocally it could be asked, “Why do emotions exist?” It is possible that the sole, underlying principle of emotions is to create a reaction in people and things in our environment; or perhaps they exist to be our governing channel of communication; or maybe they precisely exist to regulate individual self-confidence and disparage. The theory that emotions have a sole principle to generate reactions amongst people, things, and their environment, is very conceivable.

Avator’s are exist   because its based in our mind since we were born and start to see nature, and now avatar representing our self in media which me can modify or make whatever our desire it to be, so total freedom on who we wanted to be in the internet, which can affect both subjective feelings of presence and physiological indicator of emotion… of presence and physiological indicator of emotion.. Of the use pf avatar is, someone want to escape from daily life, dreamt to be another person.. Be bad or good without getting any damage or create damage in the real world. Although sometimes, and most of the time that person drawn into avatar world..

What defines good avatar customization?
The events that have defined avatar have been trials that have tested peoples integrity and their faith. Some part of it like 'channel of communication' is like another way to communicate interactively
Users spent the most time customizing the features they think matter most. They are, in Wow were hair style, facial characteristic, and hair color, different dress up, people need something outrageous for their avatar, something that don't or can't exist in real life, for example ,pet dragon or something and some people also want their avatar just look like them at least.
More options on avatar customization could be, the more it will be interesting, the more it can represent the user.. Or the character of the user or the emotion of the user, and the thing which define good aviator in life its movement of avatar and what it can do  ,

Who is the user of avatar customization?
Person, who needs to represent him/herself in the media, so can say almost everybody because avatar. Its anywhere in media.

 Where can avatars applied to?
Game, music, movie, chat box, bloggers, social net works 

When do we need avatar?
to represent yourself in the network, because When we feel like want to express our feeling or emotions, when we get board of real life and  we want avatar  can make difference

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